NDSEG Fellow Conference 2022
NDSEG Fellow Conference 2022
Start Date: Jul 24, 2022
End Date: Jul 28, 2022
The Department of Defense (DoD) National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship Program is a competitive fellowship that is awarded to U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, and U.S. dual citizens who intend to pursue a Doctoral degree aligned to the DoD services Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs) in research and development at a U.S. institution of their choice. Since program inception, over 4,000 DoD NDSEG fellowships have been awarded and over 60,000 applications received.
DoD plans to award up to 500 new three year graduate fellowships each fiscal year to individuals who have demonstrated ability and special aptitude for advancing training in S&E. The NDSEG Fellowship lasts for 3 years and pays for full tuition and all mandatory fees to include a monthly stipend, and $5,000 travel budget over the fellow’s tenure for professional development, and up to $1,200 a year in health insurance.
Please note: participants must adhere to the DoD COVID-19 protocol as well as protocols by the CDC, the State of Massachusetts and the City of Boston. This year’s conference will be held 24-28 July in Boston, MA.