Civic Leader Program
AFRL established a new Civic Leader Program, or CLP, to build a group of informed and well-connected advocates that advises and collaborates with AFRL leadership and provides connections between civic leader communities and the public.
According to program guidance, a limited number of civic leaders may be appointed due to experience, expertise or other unique capabilities that make their individual perspectives of particular value to the AFRL community.
The 13 new civic leaders were chosen based on their outstanding character, integrity and patriotism. According to eligibility criteria, all have deep interest in military affairs and are leaders in local/regional community affairs.

Thirteen members form the Air Force Research Laboratory’s new Civic Leader Program, or AFRL CLP, a group of community leaders who will provide senior leaders with ideas, external feedback and advice. The AFRL CLP is a group of advocates from across the U.S. who advise and collaborate with AFRL leadership and provide connections between civic leader communities and the public. (U.S. Air Force graphic / Patrick Londergan)
AFRL will host senior leader offsite meetings for an annual update and orientation provided by AFRL Public Affairs. For select offsite meetings, AFRL CLP members will meet for a two- to three-day conference alongside AFRL senior leaders. To further stimulate awareness and engagement, the directors of AFRL technology directorates will include civic leaders in directorate-level events.
For more information about the AFRL Civic Leader Program, please contact Lenell Kern at