AFIT/AFRL D’Azzo Research Library earns 2019 Federal Library of the Year Award
WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – The Federal Library and Information Network (FEDLINK) selected the D’Azzo Research Library for the 2019 Federal Library/Information Centers of the Year award in the large library/information center category. The award recognizes the many innovative ways that federal libraries fulfill the information demands of the government, business, and scholarly communities.
The D’Azzo Research Library, a joint effort between the Air Force Institute of Technology’s Academic Library and the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Technical Library, was honored for increasing information access and outreach to AFIT students and faculty, AFRL engineers and scientists, and the global research community.
“I am delighted for the D’Azzo Research Library’s recognition for both its outstanding customer service and collaboration on electronic subscriptions,” said Ms. Annette Sheppard, AFRL/RQWL branch chief and AFRL library director. “Our partnership is important to both organizations as we share similar goals to support the mission of the Air Force and the Warfighter.”
Working with AFRL and base contracting, the organizations collaborated to purchase more than 23 databases and journal collections, saving more than $382,000. On-site, a staff of 13 responded to 5,612 reference requests and taught 36 academic research classes to 532 participants while completing a library space reconfiguration that increased visits by eight percent.
“As a direct and frequent user of the library, I cannot be more proud of our librarians for this externally-bestowed honor. This proves that our librarians are the best,” said Dr. Adedeji Badiru, Dean of AFIT’s Graduate School of Engineering and Management.
“I am extremely proud of the progress the D’Azzo librarians have made towards increasing access to resources and improving the user interface and research experience,” said Mr. Rob Marshall, AFRL/RQW division chief.
In fiscal year 2019, the library launched its institutional repository, AFIT Scholar, a single, central, searchable database and delivered 36,850 thesis and dissertation downloads to 2,486 institutions in 166 countries.
“We strive to meet the changing learning, research, and teaching needs of the Graduate School of Engineering and Management to enable the school to attain its strategic directions. As we move forward, we will endeavor to continue our support to faculty, enhance spaces, and most importantly, student success,” said Dr. Ellis Beteck, AFIT library director.
The library is named in honor of Dr. John D’Azzo, an engineer, educator, and technology leader, who served nearly 64 year at Wright-Patterson AFB. With more than one million items, it is the third largest research library in the Air Force.

D’Azzo Research Library staff and leadership gathered in honor of National Library Worker’s Day in April 2018. The joint AFIT/AFRL library received the 2019 Federal Library/Information Centers of the Year award in the large library/information center category. (U.S. Air Force photo by Katie Scott)