


The AFRL/DAGSI Student-Faculty Research Fellowship Program supports science and engineering graduate students and faculty who conduct research in areas targeted by the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. A two-person team composed of a graduate student and a faculty member submits a proposal in one of the target research topic areas. Selection of proposals for funding is made solely by AFRL. Research Fellows collaborate with AFRL scientists and engineers, using AFRL facilities in addition to their university facilities, to conduct their research. The AFRL is committed to providing significant on-site involvement and support to the academic participants. Each team will develop and customize a plan with their AFRL sponsor for conducting the research on-base, off-base, or a combination of the two depending on the facilities available at the student's university. Each faculty member is expected to be involved in the research, spending time advising the student partner and interacting directly with the AFRL project sponsor. The expectation is that the research will be the basis for most if not all students' MS or PhD dissertation.

Deadline to apply

– February 7th


– U.S. Citizen

– Graduate students